
Better Media Queries With SASS

CSS preprocessors are awesome. Years ago, I was reluctant to start using them because I didn’t want to have yet another thing to learn. However, with SCSS the learning curve is dropped to pretty much nothing – allowing people to write plain CSS until they want to use some of the additional bells and whistles provided by SASS.

Today, we are going to look at how we can use SCSS to make media queries much easier to maintain. The first most important part of making media queries manageable, is making sure the pixel widths between screen sizes remain consistent. Nothing is more annoying than having a bunch of media queries everywhere with different min and max widths.

The problem with consistency within CSS does not stop at screen widths for media queries, some other pain points can be the management of colors, text-sizes, fonts, etc. Have you ever had a project that had ten different variations on the color blue? I know I have and changing all of those colors was a pain.

The first step to overcome these difficulties is to create a _variables.scss file. This file is the source of truth when it comes to handeling style. Though the extent of use in this file might vary from project to project, in general, this is where you want to put any “theming” logic.


Let’s start our _variables.scss file with the different widths for our application:

This is the bare minimum of what we would need. We could use this as follows:

Sure, this could work, but it is still more verbose than it needs to be and still requires the developer to remember when and where little adjustments like that - 1 are needed. In short, we can still do better.


Let’s create a file called _utils.scss. This is where we are going to put our convenience methods for our SASS code.

There are many ways one can create convinience methods for calling media queries. To each their own, but this is the way I have come to create them:

An example of how we could use these methods:

And that is how one can make media queries managable.

Another positive of doing things this way, is that if you decide you want to change the breakpoints in your application, you do not need to hunt down each individual width declaration, you can just change it in the main _variables.scss file to have them propogated throughout the entire application.

One quick note: within your index.scss file where all of your imports are being pulled in, be sure to have your _variables.scss file first, followed by your _utils.scss file. This is important because variables and methods are only available based on the order of which they are brought into the project. Meaning, if we try to use a variable value in a file that is placed within index.scss before the _variables.scss file, an error will be thrown and your build will fail.

This project is maintained by chief10